Thursday, February 19, 2009

My CVS Steals, Oops, I mean Deals

I hit the CVS by my work today to take advantage of some deals. I have not been doing much bargain shopping lately and am excited to be back in the game. I had $5.00 in ECBs to spend.

Transaction #1
2 Gillette Shampoos @$4.99 each (FEB ECB DEAL - get $3.00 ECBs)
I used a $1.00/1 Q and a $2.00/1 Q
And my $5.00 in ECBs.

I paid $2.49 out of pocket and received $6.00 back in ECBs. Not bad for the shampoo my husband likes.

Transaction #2

3 - Suave Body Washes @ $2.00 each (Buy $6.00 get $2.00 in ECBs)
2 - boxes of candy on sale for $1.00 each (I need something to get me through the afternoon here at work)
Used $1/1 Q and a $0.50/1 Q on the Suave
And my $6.00 in ECBs.

I paid $0.51 OOP and received $2.00 back in ECBs along with a CRT FOR $3.00 off ANY shampoo and conditioner along with a bunch of other CRTS.

Transaction #3
2- Herbal Essences (bought the new hydralicious line which smells awesome)
1 - bag of RoldGold pretzels for the Bingo Fundraiser on Sunday
Used $3.00/2 Herbal Essence Q and the $3.00/2 CVS CRT coupon
And my $2.00 in ECBs from above

My OOP was $1.04 and I got $2.00 back in ECBs.

So for $26.85 in merchandise I spent $4.04 out of pocket and I have $2.00 left to spend! Not bad. My sister asked me today how I get away with "robbing" CVS. And asked if I could show her.

I was upset that I couldn't do the neutrogena deal that everyone has been blogging about. This CVS was all out of the bars of soap. I may stop off at a CVS on my way and try there. I have $2.00 in ECBs burning a whole in my pocket.

This is how it would go:

2 Neutrogena soap bars $2.99/each = $5.98 - $2.00 = $3.98 plus tax out of pocket and get back $10 in ECBs!! What a great money maker!

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